The Waitangi Tribunal Unit

The Waitangi Tribunal Unit of the Ministry of Justice provides administrative and support services to the Waitangi Tribunal and is based in Wellington.

The role of our teams

The registrarial team:

·       assesses applications to register and amend claims  

·       manages applications for urgencies and remedies

·       oversees the records of inquiry

·       advises the Legal Services Commissioner on legal aid funding to claimants.

The claims coordination team:

·       provides logistical support and advice relating to judicial conferences, hearings, and Tribunal panel meetings

·       helps inquiry participants to engage effectively with the Tribunal processes

·       maintains and distributes documents filed on the records of inquiry and updates key database systems

·       is a key point of contact and administrative support for Tribunal members.

The inquiry facilitation team:

·       advises on the planning and delivery of inquiry processes

·       provides claimants and Tribunal panels advice on inquiry process matters

·       facilitates the effective participation of all parties through inquiries up to the close of hearings.

The research services team:

·       assists Tribunal panels to plan and implement casebook research programmes

·       undertakes Tribunal-commissioned research

·       provides quality assurance on research

·       assists Tribunal panels to determine issues for inquiry, in particular through Tribunal statements of issues

The report-writing team:

·       supports the planning and delivery of Waitangi Tribunal reports

·       assists Tribunal panels to draft their reports

·       manages report publication

The Director’s Office

·       provides general oversight and direction of the Waitangi Tribunal Unit’s activities

·       advises on the design and content of the research and report writing work programmes, and quality standards for all the Tribunal's work

·       provides strategic advice on the Tribunal's work programme, support services and delivery of projects.


Waea | Phone: 04 914 3000

Īmēra | Email: To make a general inquiry, please email:

To request a document, please email:

Pouaka Poutāpeta | Physical Address:

You can visit our Wellington reception between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

The Waitangi Tribunal
Level 7
Fujitsu Tower
141 The Terrace
Wellington / Te Whanganui-ā-Tara
New Zealand / Aotearoa

Fujitsu Tower can be accessed from either The Terrace or Cable Car Lane. To access the building from The Terrace, take the pathway between the Novotel and James Cook Hotels to reach Fujitsu Tower. Reception is located in the foyer, through the glass doors opposite the lifts.

To access the building from Cable Car Lane, walk to the end of the lane and take the stairs to the left towards the lift on your right. Take the lift to Level 7. Reception is located through the glass doors opposite the lifts.