District inquiries

Much of the Waitangi Tribunal’s focus over the past two decades has been on completing the district inquiry programme. The programme is designed to hear the range of claims (mostly historical) brought by Māori from particular areas in a single inquiry. There are 37 inquiry districts in total. These can be seen in the map below.


Download a high-resolution copy of the Waitangi Tribunal District Inquiries map


The Tribunal has now completed its inquiries into the majority of districts. Some districts, however, have not had an inquiry due to the claimants choosing to negotiate a Treaty settlement directly with the Crown.

In 2001, the Waitangi Tribunal adopted a procedure for district inquiries known as the New Approach, which aimed to achieve the fastest possible progress, while making sure the process is fair by ensuring:

  • All issues are researched
  • An interlocutory phase is held to identify and refine the issues
  • Hearings are focused on the identified issues and grievances
  • A Tribunal report is released to assist negotiations and settlement

Find out more about the New Approach inquiry process

Porirua ki Manawatū

Approximately 117 claims are being inquired into as part of the Porirua ki Manawatū district inquiry (Wai 2200). The inquiry is focused on the claims of Muaūpoko, Te Ātiawa/Ngāti Awa ki Kāpiti and Ngāti Raukawa and affiliated groups, which include Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Wehiwehi and the hapū of Te Reureu.

Read more

The following district inquiries are currently active

Renewed Muriwhenua Land Inquiry

Wai Number: 45

Planning and research