The Strategic Direction

In 2020 the Waitangi Tribunal published an update of its strategic goals, which it set in its Strategic Direction 2014-2025. The update reviews the Tribunal’s progress to date and resets the strategic goals for the period to 2025. 

Read the Strategic Direction 2014–2025

In February 2020, an update to the Waitangi Tribunal’s Strategic Direction was released.

Read the Strategic Direction in 2020


Waitangi Tribunal directions

The Waitangi Tribunal can instruct the parties to an inquiry to carry out specific tasks, such as filing documents by a set date or setting out in writing any objections they have to a proposed course of action.

This document is known as a direction. Directions are usually issued by the presiding officer for an inquiry and help it to proceed in an orderly and efficient manner.

Most directions relate to a single inquiry. Documents in current inquiries can be searched and downloaded.  

Search inquiry documents

The following memoranda were issued by the chairperson and affect the work programme of the Waitangi Tribunal as a whole.


Remaining historical claims

22 September 2015

The Tribunal has a number of historical claims that have not been heard in the already completed district inquiries. In September 2015 the Waitangi Tribunal’s chairperson, Chief Judge Wilson Isaac, issued a memorandum outlining a process for the Tribunal’s consideration of claims with historical grievances that have not yet been fully inquired into or settled, and which are not in (or about to be in) negotiation for a Treaty settlement.

Read the memorandum concerning remaining historical claims

Find out more about the Tribunal’s ‘standing panel’ inquiry into remaining historical claims


Kaupapa inquiry directions

1 April 2015

This memorandum outlines the Waitangi Tribunal's new kaupapa (thematic) inquiry programme concerning nationally significant claims affecting Maori and outlines a general framework for the programme.

Kaupapa Inquiry Direction


27 March 2019

This memorandum informs parties of updates and amendments to the 2015 kaupapa inquiry programme.

Kaupapa Inquiry Direction 2019


4 October 2024

This memorandum updates the claimants and the Crown on alternative processes that the Tribunal may follow in commencing and progressing its Kaupapa inquiries.

Kaupapa Inquiry Direction 2024

Find out more about Tribunal kaupapa inquiries