Wai Number: 2575

Health Services and Outcomes


The Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry (Wai 2575) will hear all claims concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes and which are of national significance.


Inquiry progress

In December 2017, the Tribunal confirmed that the Wai 2575 Inquiry would proceed on a phased and thematic basis, with health-related issues heard in stages according to priority:

  • Stage one, which concluded in March 2019, inquired into aspects of primary care
  • Stage two covers three priority areas encompassing Māori with disabilities, mental health (including suicide and self-harm), and issues of alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse
  • Stage three will focus on remaining themes of national significance, including eligible historical claims


Stage one

The stage one inquiry was a discrete and targeted inquiry into the legislative and policy framework of the primary healthcare system. The inquiry was presided over by Judge Stephen Clark. Those proceedings were confined to hearing the Māori Primary Health Organisations & Providers (Wai 1315) and the National Hauora Coalition (Wai 2687) claims. Interested parties were also granted varying degrees of participation in the inquiry.

Following hearings held from 2018 to 2019, the Tribunal released its pre-publication version of Hauora – the Report on Stage One of the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (the Hauora Report) on 1 July 2019.

The final version of the Hauora Report was released on 19 October 2021, following a two-year period in which parties reported back to the Tribunal regarding progress on the implementation of its interim recommendations.


COVID-19 priority inquiry

In November 2021 the Tribunal re-allocated hearing one of the disability phase of the stage two inquiry to enable a priority inquiry into the COVID-19 Protection Framework. The priority hearing took place from 6 to 10 December 2021 at the Tribunal’s offices in Wellington.

The Tribunal released Haumaru: the COVID-19 Priority Report in pre-publication format on 20 December 2021.

Stage two

Casebook research

As a result of the pre-casebook discussion paper (a Tribunal Unit assessment of the evidence required for the stage two inquiry), the Tribunal commissioned four reports for stage two:

Both reports concerning Māori with disabilities were filed on 28 June 2019, and the report concerning Māori mental health was filed on 30 August 2019. The report concerning issues of alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse for Māori was released on 20 December 2019.

The Crown-funded research report modules on Māori Health Trends 1990–2015 were filed in February and March 2019. The Tribunal has also received the following Crown-funded research reports:

Inquiry into Māori with lived experience of disability

In October 2019 the Tribunal confirmed it would hear and report on all claims relating to disability as phase one of the stage two inquiry. The Tribunal Statement of Issues, which sets out the scope for the inquiry, was confirmed on 23 September 2021 (Wai 2575, #1.4.2).

An accessibility protocol, which provides general guidelines and procedures to enhance the accessibility of the inquiry for participants, was adopted in September 2021 (Wai 2575, #2.6.59(a)).

Hearings, which began in March 2022, have been held in the following locations:

  • Hearing one (14 – 18 March 2022) via audio-visual link (AVL)
  • Hearing two (2 – 4 May 2022) via AVL
  • Hearing three (29 August – 2 September 2022) via AVL
  • Hearing four (14 – 18 November 2022) via AVL
  • Hearing five (20 – 24 March 2023) at Papakura Marae in Auckland
  • Hearing six (19 – 23 June 2023) at the Tribunal’s offices in Wellington
  • Hearing seven (21 – 25 August 2023) at Papakura Marae in Auckland
  • Hearing eight (20 to 24 November 2023) at the Copthorne Hotel and Resort Bay of Islands in Paihia. 

A Crown evidence hearing is scheduled for March 2024.


Document requests:

For all document requests for this inquiry, email: WT_Requests@justice.govt.nz

Inquiry requests:

For all inquiry related requests, email: WT.Registrar@justice.govt.nz

Please direct all media inquiries to the Tribunal's Registrar wt.registrar@justice.govt.nz

Primary healthcare
Mental health
Alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse
Health Services and Outcomes
WAI: 2575
Te Rauparaha Arena; Porirua

Inquiry Timeline

Stage 1 inquiry hearings
View livestreams
Stage 2 Tribunal and Crown commissioned research complete
Search research reports
Mar 2019
Stage 1 Hauora Report
Download the report
Dec 2021
Covid-10 Priority Inquiry Hearings and Report
Read the report
Mar 2022
Stage 2 Phase 1 Disability Hearings Commence
View livestreams

Current panel members

Judge Damian Stone
Presiding Officer
Read more
Professor Susy Frankel
Read more
Professor Tom Roa
Read more
Tania Simpson
Read more
Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith CNZM
Read more


All Recordings

Reports and Publications

25 Jun 2018
Size: 4.57MB
Other Document


25 Jun 2018
Size: 81KB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 1.71MB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 7.08MB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 491KB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 29.76MB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 822KB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 666KB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 9.11MB
25 Jun 2018
Size: 430KB
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