Wai Number: 2180

Taihape: Rangitīkei ki Rangipō

StatusReport Writing

Ināianei e ruku tātari ana te Rōpū Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki ngā kerēme e 46 hei wāhanga o te ruku tātari ā-rohe o Taihape: Rangitīkei  ki Rangipō (Wai 2180). Ko tōna tekau mā rua kerēme i tukuna mā te iwi, te hapū me te whānau o Mōkai Pātea: Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāti Whitikaupeka, Ngāi Te Ohuake, Ngāti Paki me Ngāti Hinemanu.


Kua whiwhi hoki te Taraipiunara i ngā kerēme mā ētahi atu iwi, hapū, whānau hoki e hāngai ana ki te rohe whānui. Ko ētahi o ēnei ko: Ngāi Te Upokoiri me Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Waewae, Ngāti Pikiahu, Ngā Poutama, me Ngāti Hikairo, Te Wainui a Rua me Muaūpoko.


Ka kapi i te ruku tātari ā-rohe te takiwā e mōhiotia ana hei Pātea ki te Tuawhenua, ki te uru o ngā pae maunga o Ruahine me Kaweka me te tonga o ngā maunga Kaimanawa. Kei roto ko ngā tāone o Hunterville, Taihape me Waiouru. Ka rere te Awa o Rangitīkei mā te iho o te takiwā.


Te mahere o te ruku tātari ā-rohe o Taihape

Tirohia te mapi

Te ahu whakamua o te ruku tātari me ngā pūrongo

Ka oti ngā nohoanga mō te ruku tātari mō Taihape i te Oketopa o 2021, ā, ināianei kei roto i te wāhanga tuhi pūrongo.

I te Hānuere o 2024, ka whakaputaina e te Taraipiunara He Whenua Karapotia, He Whenua Ngaro: Priority Report on Landlocked Māori Land in the Taihape Inquiry District i roto i te hōputu i mua i te whakaputanga. Kei mua tēnei i te pūrongo matua o te Taraipiunara mō te ruku tātari ā-Rohe whānui mō Taihape: Rangitīkei ki Rangipō.

I whakaputa te Taraipiunara i tana whakaaro tuatahi mō ngā mōtika tuku iho i roto i ngā whenua i Raihanatia (CFL) o Kāweka me Gwavas Crown Forest i te 16 o Pēpuere 2024. 

Ngā tono tuhinga:

Mō ngā tono tuhinga katoa mō tēnei ruku tātari, īmēra ki: WT_Requests@justice.govt.nz

Ngā tono ruku tātari:

Mō ngā tono katoa e hāngai ana ki te ruku tātari, īmēra: WT.Registrar@justice.govt.nz

Nineteenth century land use, management and alienation
Twentieth century land use, management and alienation
Public works
Mātauranga Māori


Justice Layne Harvey
Presiding Officer
Hei pānui atu anō
Dr Monty Soutar ONZM
Hei pānui atu anō
Ahorangi Pou Temara
Hei pānui atu anō
Dr Paul Hamer
Hei pānui atu anō

*Dr Angela Ballara was a member until June 2021 and the Honourable Sir Douglas Kidd until May 2023.

Ngā pūrongo me ngā pānuitanga

Statement of claim (SOC)

Date Received: 26 Jul 16
(Wai 400, 1.1(g))

19 Aug 2016
Rahinga: 1.04MB
25 Jul 2016
Rahinga: 1.83MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Date Received: 2 Mar 15
(Wai 1632, 1.1.1(c))

23 Jun 2016
Rahinga: 2.89MB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Date Received: 19 Oct 10
(Wai 1705, 1.1.1(a))

23 Jun 2016
Rahinga: 985KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Wai No: 1978
Claim: Hauturu Waipuna C Block (Herbert) Claim
Date Received: 28 Aug 08
Claimant: Fred William Herbert
Representing: Ngāti Paretekawa, Ngāti Ngutu, Ngāti Te Mawa and Ngāti Ruanui hapu
Concerning: Rangitikei Te Kapua and Otairi. Māori land was undervalued; Unfair purchasing practices were used to acquire Māori land; The Crown failed to ensure that statutory delegation to local government was consistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi;The Crown failed to consult with Māori prior to the enactment of the Public Works legislation; The Crown acquired land belonging to Māori for the purpose of scenery preservation;The Crown enacted legislation that further aided alienated land from Māori through Māori Trust Boards; The Crown failed and continues to fail to ensure that Māori land is not landlocked; The Crown enacted legislation that encroached on the ability of Māori owners to retain their land by establishing the office of Māori Trustee;The Crown failed to plan, manage and deliver the promises of development schemes to Māori;The Crown failed to recognise and provide for the water customary title and rights of water to the claimants;The Crown has assumed ownership of the rivers and waterways and excluded Māori tino rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga over their resources;The Crown has ignored the protests and petitions of the claimants concerning customary fisheries; andThe Crown adopted, facilitated and allowed a series of mechanisms and processes which led to the alienation of a vast majority of the claimants’ land base and resources
Status Aggregated
(Wai 1978, 1.1.1)

23 Jun 2016
Rahinga: 258KB
Statement of claim (SOC)

Date received: 29 May 15
(Wai 1835, 1.1.1(c))

23 Jun 2016
Rahinga: 447KB
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