The main themes in this resource kit are:

The Differences between Māori and European World Views

There were many differences between the way that Māori and Europeans viewed the world. These differences included:

·       the spiritual verus the scientific;

·       the use of land;

·       the status of wahi tapu; and

·       the desire of Māori to protect taonga versus the desire of Europeans to study Māori treasures.


Te Roroa were alienated in two ways:

·       physically (eg, from land and mahinga kai); and

·       spiritually (eg, from the Waipoua Forest and wahi tapu).

Justice and Injustice

Justice and fairness were issues in the following areas:

·       the ways in which deals were made and aims were achieved;

·       the role that the Native Land Court had in the events;

·       the use of oral and written evidence;

·       the procedure employed (eg, the language used and the people consulted); and

·       the way in which power was exercised.

Land Ownership and Use

Māori and Europeans had different views on land ownership and use. Trusteeship, multiple ownership, and individual beneficial ownership all had implications for the parties concerned.

Economic Base

The economic base of Te Roroa changed over the years. Whereas such resources as mahinga kai were the traditional economic base of the people, in later years public services became important to their economic development.

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