Living Side by Side
The Treaty of Waitangi is the founding document of our country.

Maori agreed:

·       to let other people live in their country; and

·       to let the British make rules about behaviour and see that everyone obeys them.

The British agreed:

·       to let Māori keep control of their own lives; and

·       that Māori would have the same rights as all other people in Aotearoa.


Respect means that you treat other people with consideration. Respect does not mean that you have to be the same, like the same foods, or enjoy the same activities.

The Treaty was a contract of respect between the British and Māori. Today, there are a lot of people living here whose families are not from Britain. The Treaty now means there must be respect between Māori and non-Māori.

It is important that the laws and rules today consider and respect both Māori and non-Māori ways of living. It is important that Māori and non-Māori who live near each other are considerate of each other and respect each other's differences.

A contract will work only if both groups who sign it trust that the other group will do what the contract says they will do.

The Māori who signed the Treaty trusted that the British would make laws that would be good for both them and the settlers. Unfortunately, as we have seen from what happened in Taranaki, the laws were often good for the Government and for the settlers, but not for Māori.

The Waitangi Tribunal
Ever since the Treaty was signed, Māori have been going to the Government, both here and in Britain, to talk about honouring the Treaty contract. Now, we have the Waitangi Tribunal. The Tribunal studies Treaty claims about what the Government did in the past that was not good for Māori. Claims can also be made about what the Government is doing right now. The Waitangi Tribunal claims are not only about land. Māori have made claims about the Government allowing pollution of the sea, rivers, air, and land. They have made claims about fishing laws, the Māori language, and education.

After the Waitangi Tribunal has listened to the claim, it decides whether a government in the past, or the Government now, acted in a way that broke a promise given in the Treaty. If the Waitangi Tribunal decides that the Government broke a Treaty promise, it suggests to the Government how it could put things right. In some cases, the Government has to do what the Waitangi Tribunal suggests.

How to Put Right the Wrongs
The Government, Māori, and the Waitangi Tribunal are trying to put right the wrongs that have happened as a result of Treaty promises being broken. They are trying to build a better future for Māori and trying to create better understanding between Māori and Pakeha.

A lot of the land that was wrongly taken from Māori is now owned by non-Māori. It would be just as bad to take that land from those people and give it back to Māori. The Government must talk with each iwi group that has a complaint concerning the Treaty. The Government and Māori must find a solution to the problem that will be fair for everyone, Māori and non-Māori.

Making Decisions Together
In the past, Māori were not treated as a partner with the Government, as the Treaty had promised. Now, the Government is trying to stop new problems arising between Māori and the Government by making sure that iwi are involved when laws and important decisions are made.

What the Treaty Means Today: Questions and Activities

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Questions and activities

·       What do you think might have happened if there had not been a treaty between Māori and the British Queen when the settlers started to arrive?

·       What do you think Aotearoa-New Zealand might be like today if there had not been a treaty?

Step 1

·       Divide into groups of three

·       Your group decides what your group and one of the other groups is going to do at morning interval.

·       Write down on a piece of paper what you have decided your group and the other group will do and give it to the other group.

·       How do you feel about what the other group decided you will do at interval? Do the other two people in your group feel the same as you?

Step 2

·       Repeat the exercise. This time, discuss with the other group what they would like to do at interval before you make a decision.

Step 3

·       Explain how you felt at the end of step 1 and at the end of step 2.

Role Play

The Government has agreed with a claim by a particular iwi that the iwi land was wrongly taken.

Step 1

·       Divide into three groups:

o   the Government;

o   the iwi;

o   and non-Māori currently living on land that the Government agrees was wrongly taken from Māori. The Māori claim is not against this group. The claim is against the Government who made laws that allowed the land to be taken.

Step 2

·       Talk in your group about what the land means to you.

·       Talk about ways that the problem could be solved that would suit your group and that you think the other groups would agree with.

·       Decide on a group spokesperson.

Step 3

·       The Government group will talk with the iwi group.

·       The group spokesperson will talk first to explain what the land means to the group and how the group thinks the problem could be solved.

·       Then other group members may talk.

·       Your task as a group member is to avoid arguments and try to find a solution. This involves listening very hard to what the other group has to say.

·       The non-Māori group watches the discussion.

Step 4

If the Government and Māori agreed to a solution, after hearing the discussion the non-Māori group can:

·       report to the Government that it is happy with the solution reached; or

·       report to the Government that it is not happy with the solution; and

·       request a meeting with the Government; or

·       request a meeting with the iwi group; or

·       request a meeting with both the Government and the iwi, together or separately.

If the Government and Māori have not agreed to a solution, after hearing the discussion the non-Māori group can:

·       request a meeting with the Government; or

·       request a meeting with the iwi group; or

·       request a meeting with both the Government and the iwi group, together or separately.

See if you can find a solution. You may have to compromise.

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